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Designing a Website for Your Service Based Business

Designing a Website for Your Service Based Business

Designing a Website for Your Service Based Business

If you are creating a website for your service based business, there are a few things you need to take into consideration. Let’s cover 3 tips for creating your website for your service offerings.

1) Create a Brand identity

The first step you need to take into consideration is to create a brand identity for your business, an identity that will draw your ideal client. Your brand identify includes the visual image AND perception of your business starting with what services you offer and WHO you want to attract ( i.e. your ideal client). Start with identifying your ideal client and selecting 2 to 3 brand colors. This will be used for your logo development and the design of your website. All web designers will ask for your brand colors! Your website should be created in your brand colors which will be consistent with your logo and social media images.

2) Make it Easy for Visitors to know what You Have to Offer

The second thing you need to consider is how you present your service to your potential customers. In this sense, it’s really important that your website’s pages have well-written content. Your services’ page needs to have complete descriptions on what you offer to your clients, and it also has to be written in a “language” that is easily understandable and received by your ideal client. Lastly, let potential customers know how to actually do business with you! Should they call? Should they send an email? Should they schedule a consultation? Should you have an “order now” button? Whatever is the next step to work with you, make sure that is really clear to website visitors.

3) You are a Professional – establish credibility

Last but not least, your service-based business needs a website that looks and feels professional and establishes your credibility. So, for this you want to hire a professional web designer that can make it happen for you. Your area of genius is your service and not web design. The web designer will take care of the look, identity and functionality, but also of other aspects that matter such as the best hosting option. Your focus is on showcasing your expertise to your ideal client so that they know they want your service! One way to do that is by creating a blog page on your website with periodic posts on topics related to your service. This can be a short blog or long blog but it gives you a chance to establish yourself as an expert and build credibility. The next thing that establishes credulity is by showing testimonials on your website. Ask past customers to provide a testimonial about their interaction with you and your service. This is called “social proof”! It is just like looking at the star ratings in Amazon when you are deciding if you should buy a product. You care about what other people thought of the product and I bet you don’t buy products with a 1-star rating. Testimonials will do the same for your service-based website. Let your past customers shout from the roof top about your service and establish your credibility!

I help female entrepreneurs who struggle with attracting attention and exposure for their brand and want to build their online platform. In working with me, my clients generate revenue and increase brand awareness. If you are ready to build your online platform, we should set up a web design consultation or meet and greet call!

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