info@mitchell-productions.comPhone: (804) 806-4407 ext 101
2807 N. Parham Road Suite 200-20 Richmond, VA 23294

Are you undercharging?

Are you undercharging?

I have a few questions for you.

1) Are you offering more value and features than in the past?
2) Are you more in demand than you were in the past?
3) Are others offering the same service with the same perceived value at a higher rate than your rates?
4) Have you gained new skills and expertise that bring your clients more or better results?
5) Are you targeting a higher paying clientele?

If you answered YES to any of these questions, you are probably undercharging and it is time to raise your prices.
There are so many external forces at play that make it a battle to get to the top, however, female entrepreneurs deserve a seat at the table.
But we have to also build our own table. This means we need to take ownership of our success and our pricing.

We need to charge what our WORK is worth.

That’s why I created the Platform Builder Program.

The Platform Builder Program is a 12 month group coaching program built for female entrepreneurs who are ready and willing to make it HAPPEN in their business by increasing their visibility, authority, and marketing. It’s for those who are ready to come center stage, build their platform, get visible by showcasing their expertise, impact their communities, and make more money.

It’s for those who want to be surrounded by other women who win.

Does this sound like you? If so, I’d love to have you join.

Go to, check out the program, and schedule a ZOOM meeting with me to apply for the next cohort!

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