info@mitchell-productions.comPhone: (804) 806-4407 ext 101
2807 N. Parham Road Suite 200-20 Richmond, VA 23294


One secret to success in busines…

A lot of entrepreneurs and small business owners wanna know what’s the secret to success. We’ll I have a solution for you, attending conferences and workshops. Let me tell you 3 reasons why you should attend conferences and workshops because it is your secret to success:

1. You get to rub shoulders and meet up close and in person experts that you would not have access to any other way. A lot of times conferences and workshops bring in key speakers that are experts in their fields and you get to network with them
2. You get to find out about new products, new apps and new systems that you might not have heard of any other way
3. You get to form partnerships

Now listen, I’m a Social Media girl and I’m in these social media streets daily but there is nothing like coming off of Social Media and getting in the room with other humans. I’m telling you, you can form partnerships when you attend conferences and workshops and partnerships are the new currency and the new revenue.

That’s why you should attend conferences and workshops, it’s one of your secrets to success.

Join me at the POP UP Conference for Female Entreprenuers – GO to

I help female entrepreneurs who struggle with attracting attention and exposure for their brand and want to build their online platform. In working with me, my clients generate revenue and increase brand awareness. If you are ready to build your online platform, we should set up a web design consultation or meet and greet call!

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