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Back to BUSINESS | 15 Tips to Refocus Your Marketing After Summer

5 tips to focus on for September that touch on marketing, personal branding, and business development:

I love helping entrepreneurs get back on track after the summer. Here are 15 tips to focus on for September that touch on marketing, personal branding, and business development:

1. Refresh Your Marketing Plan

Revisit your marketing goals and strategies. What worked this year? What needs adjustment? This will guide your next steps for Q4.

2. Run a Back-to-Business Promotion

Offer special discounts or promotions to get people back in the buying mode after the summer lull.

3. Leverage Email Marketing

Re-engage your audience with a back-to-business email campaign. Highlight new offers, upcoming events, and seasonal products or services. This helps to nurture your email list.

4. Update Your Website

Make sure your website is up-to-date and reflects any changes in services, products, or branding. It’s a great time to refresh your homepage.

5. Optimize for Fall Trends

Tailor your content and offerings for the fall season. Think about how your products or services can solve problems or fulfill needs as people adjust to post-summer routines.

6. Plan Your End-of-Year Content

Start planning your content for the remainder of the year. Think holiday promotions, Black Friday, and end-of-year reflections.

7. Boost Your Social Media Visibility

Now that people are back in a routine, increase your posting frequency and ensure your content speaks to their needs in this transition.

8. Invest in Networking

Attend virtual or in-person events to grow your network. It’s a great time to reconnect and build relationships heading into Q4.

9. Collaborate with Other Businesses

Look for collaboration opportunities with other entrepreneurs. Joint ventures or co-hosting events can help broaden your reach.

10. Focus on Client Retention

Reconnect with your existing clients. Offer them exclusive promotions or simply reach out to check on their progress.

11. Polish Your Personal Brand

Update your headshots, bio, and personal branding materials. September is a great time to make sure your brand reflects your current vision and mission.

12. Set Goals for Q4

Clearly define your business and marketing goals for the last quarter of the year. This will keep you focused and on track.

13. Create or Re-energize Your Facebook Ads

As the holiday season approaches, start experimenting with Facebook or Instagram ads to increase your visibility and attract new clients.

14. Engage in Thought Leadership

Share blog posts, videos, or podcasts on topics that position you as an expert. Now is the time to amplify your voice and establish authority in your niche.

15. Review Your Pricing Structure

Evaluate whether your pricing still aligns with your value and market position. If needed, now’s a good time to adjust for Q4.

Sharvette Mitchell

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