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2807 N. Parham Road Suite 200-20 Richmond, VA 23294

How Content Marketing Can Help Your Business

If 10 content marketing experts were asked to define their field you might receive 10 unique definitions, but they will all likely point back to the same core concept. (

Content marketing is a marketing strategy that revolves around the creation, publication, and distribution of content to a target audience in order to bring new traffic (and therefore new customers) to your business. (

Take YouTube as just one example to clearly see the difference between content marketing and traditional marketing. You’ve just finished typing in a search for a video on a topic that you really want to learn about. The first thing that happens, typically, is that an ad comes on and starts playing right before your video. If you’re like most people, you click that skip ad button as soon as you’re able to. (

That ad that comes on is a perfect example of traditional advertising, while the video that you are trying to watch is a perfect example of content marketing. The video you searched for has information that you perceive as valuable and want to watch. It was made by a smart content marketer who will get you as a subscriber to their channel and eventually get you to buy products or services that are related to their channel’s subject matter from them. This is in contrast to going for the hard sell from the outset, which is that ad that you couldn’t skip fast enough. (

Now that you’re convinced content marketing is a good idea, you need to create a strategy. (

A content marketing strategy is a plan for building an audience by publishing, maintaining, and spreading frequent and consistent content that educates, entertains, or inspires to turn strangers into fans and fans into customers. (

I cover 5 steps to creating your content marketing plan in the above video!

I help female entrepreneurs who struggle with attracting attention and exposure for their brand and want to build their online platform. In working with me, my clients generate revenue and increase brand awareness. If you are ready to build your online platform, we should set up a web design consultation or meet and greet call!

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