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Marketing Your Way to a Stronger Q4

Marketing Your Way to a Stronger Q4 and a More Profitable New Year

For most companies the 4th fiscal quarter runs from the beginning of October through the end of December, marking the final stretch to get your marketing and sales in order to close out the year strong.

In this blog, we’re looking at how you can amplify your marketing plan in Q4 to help you close your year out strong and prepare you for a more profitable 2023!

So, grab a pen and paper for this Ninja Marketing Trick, and let’s get started…


Step 1: Begin with Day One

One of my favorite business quotes by Steven Covey is “Begin with the end in mind.”

I suggest we take this one day further and instead of thinking about how we want to end 2022, let’s prepare for day one of 2023: January 1, 2023.

Close your eyes for a moment and visualize the first day of 2023.

Picture it; the confetti gets cleared. The haze of New Year’s Eve celebrations and holidays are over, and it’s officially January 1st, 2023.

What does your business look like? What do you want your business to look like?

In your ideal world, how is it different than it is today?

How many leads do you want to see in your pipeline?

What marketing processes do you want to see automated?

What social media platforms do you want your company to successfully participate in?

Take some time to jot down these answers. Mindset is everything in marketing!


Ninja Q4 Marketing Tip: Amplify the 20

I’m sure you’ve probably heard of the 80:20 rule (also known as the Pareto principle), as it applies to many things.

Boiled down it states roughly 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes.

Here are some common examples of how this relates to Marketing & Sales:

80% of profits come from 20% of customers

80% of product sales from 20% of products

80% of sales from 20% of advertising

80% of leads in content marketing are from 20% of the content assets

If you know your 20% on these items, Q4 is the perfect time to adjust your efforts for maximum return:

Focus more on that 20% of your customers that generate 80% of your profits. So identify which of your clients drive your profits. Communicate and market to those clients or offer additional or new services.

Put more energy into campaigns around 20% of those products that are getting 80% of your sales. So, figure out which products are selling the most and put all of your marketing energy into them.

Watch out 4th Quarter…

If you take the time to Amplify the 20, Q4 might just be your best quarter yet, leading the way for an amazing 2022!


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