The Facebook “Call-to-Action” feature!
Have you seen or heard about the new “Call-to-Action” feature on Facebook Business/Fan pages?
It is pretty cool if you ask me! Don’t worry, if you have not seen this option for your page, it is on the way…
What is it?
The “Call-to-Action” button is located at the bottom right of the Facebook cover image and it simply links your visitors to another site, page or video.
Let’s face it… people are bombarded with information while online. If you want them to take some ACTION, make it as clear and simple as possible. The “Call-to-Action” feature does just that!
How does it work?
When Facebook enables this feature on your page, you will get to select the button you want to use ( Book Now, Contact Us, Use App, Play Game, Shop Now, Sign Up or Watch Video). After that you simply put in the appropriate link/URL and click next and save!
How can I use it?
This is great if you are an Author because you can provide a direct link to where your book is sold on Amazon or on your website. This is great if you are hosting a seminar, conference or etc, because they can simply click “Sign Up” go directly to your sign up link, webpage or Eventbright page. This works well if you are an Artist and you want them to check out a Youtube video of your performance, they can simply click “Watch Video” and go directly to the video.
The other cool thing is that you can change this “Call-to-Action” button as often as you need.