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Sharvette appears with Tilda Whitaker-Bailey — The Coach’s Mentor of P4 Institue.

Hello Hello to all those in listening land this is Coach Tilda, better known as the coach’s mentor. I’m excited. Once again, you guys know I get excited when I have guests and on today you already see the screen I have a, awesome, awesome interviewee with me today. This is Sharvette Mitchell. I’m gonna just put out a couple of points about her but I want her to share, who she is as much as possible come in her own special way. I know you guys are going to get a treat today, just hearing her and allowing her to share where she is now. She is an elder, she’s a CEO of her own company, she’s a certified leadership coach, author, published author many volumes of books, we’ll share those. I’m going to allow her at the end to tell her tell you guys how you can connect with her because I’m sure before we get off, you’re going to want to connect with this powerful woman. She’s also, business consultant, and radio host. Welcome Sharvette with us today. I am doing these interviews from the P for coaching institute for people that have not heard about Pete for coaching institute, it is a organization a training program where we go in and allow these coaches already to come and gain more skill technique, and with their talent that they already have and with the comment that they already have to become coaches, life coaches in their respective platforms on their platforms and in their niches. So you’ve already heard that she is a certified leadership coach. So Sharvette Welcome again to just take your busy time out of your busy schedule to come and join me and just, just allow us to just pick your brain for a few minutes. All you’re doing today, with the audience, who you are something that you want the audience to know about you, even a fun fact.

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