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What does Dr. Dre’s $300,000 a month spousal support order have to do with YOUR pricing?

What does Dr. Dre’s $300,000 a month spousal support order have to do with YOUR pricing?

Video transcript:

Popping up on your timelines, because I want to chat with you today and I, Leggate, have like 10 minutes because I’m getting ready to go into a session with my platform builder clients. So I have like ten minutes, but something popped up on my timeline today. Something something popped up on my timeline today. And I wanted to have a quick conversation and a quick discussion with you about it. And so shout out to my cousin Sean, who is Shaun Stanely, who’s located in Atlanta.

He put up a post that Dr. Dre has been has the courts have declared that he needs to pay spousal support because he’s going through a divorce. His spousal support is three hundred thousand dollars a month that he’ll pay to his soon to be ex wife, which is about comes out to about three point five million for the year. And so that grabbed my attention. And I started thinking I started thinking, what? How does that tie into entrepreneurship? So before I get ahead of myself, I know that all of the streaming platforms are are building building up the platform.

If you are here and you are hearing me, go ahead and put a one in the chat in the comments, wherever you are, we are all across Facebook. We are all across. And I see those of you coming in from my Facebook group. And so there is probably a little link to let me see. See your lovely face. But shout out there. Hey, hey, hey. Who are saying hello? Thank you so much.

And so we’re talking about let me pop this up here so you know what we’re talking about. We are talking about what does Dr. Drays three hundred thousand dollar a month spousal support order, which she’s going to get about three point five million for there. What does that have to do with your pricing? That’s what we’re going to talk about. So if your brand spanking new to me, I am Charvet Mitchell and I work with female entrepreneurs and a few lucky men to enable them to build their online platforms and personal brands so that they generate more revenue.

And I do that focus on your marketing, your visibility and your branding. And so that’s what we’re talking about popping in and talking about today. And I have like probably eight minutes left because my platform bill a clients if if you’re if you’re here, my platform build a client, you’ll probably say, aren’t we are we meeting in a few minutes? Yes, we are. Hazony Thank you so much. OK, great. Thank you. Thank you.

Thank you. All right. So again, my cousin posted a post today that Dr. Dre, which we are all familiar with, is going through a divorce and his he has to pay on the courts have ordered that he has to pay spousal support of three hundred thousand dollars a month roughly, which comes out to about three point five million a year that he will pay in spousal support. So there’s going to be one side of the fence. There’s going to be one side of the fence that hears that.

No. And they and they think, oh, that’s absorbing it. That’s highway robbery. Why does someone need three hundred thousand dollars a month to live off of? Why would she need three point five million a year? There will be some people who that is their opinion. And if that is your opinion, you are entitled to your opinion. I am not here to change your opinion or change your perspective. Hey, everybody, that’s that’s opinion here.

I am not I am not here to do that. But there was one side of the fence that would see that that order and say that, you know, what is cheaper to keep her? All the things that we hear of when people are going through these types of divorces and things of that nature. But then there’s going to be another set of people who look at that. Three hundred thousand a year excuse me a month, which is about three point five million that he will pay a year.

There will be another side of the fence that will say, well, how much is he worth? There’ll be another side of the fence that will say, well, does she contribute to help build anything? Or just being a spouse alone is contribution. And so that side of the fence might say, OK, well, what if he were so I did a little research for you. I went over to our friends on Google and welcome to all those that are popping on in.

I have probably about seven minutes now. We’re talking about the late breaking news that Dr. Dre going through a divorce and he’s been ordered to pay spousal support of three hundred thousand a month, which is about she’s going to get about three point five million a year. And we’re talking about what that has to do with your pricing. I’m a little tired and I’m tired. So one side of the fence is going to say that’s absorbing it. That’s highway robbery.

Why does she need that much? That’s one side but another side of the fence. My side. Well, how much is he worth? So I went over to our friends on Google. Don’t try to leave our friends on Google and won over. To our friends on Google and I typed in, well, what is Dr. Dre, Dr. Dre Networth, what is Dr. Dre Networth? And Google reported as of twenty twenty one. His net worth is eight hundred and twenty million dollars.

And I’m just wondering if anybody could just type that in if you’re if you’re watching from Facebook, if you are watching from YouTube, if you if this is you’re watching live on the replay, I just want you to get used to just type in eight hundred and twenty million dollars. So Dr. Dre is net worth as reported on Google. Now, my assessment is he got more than that. But what Google is assessing is that he is worth eight hundred and twenty.

His net worth is eight hundred and twenty million dollars. So he’s going to pay out three point six million. He’s worth eight hundred and twenty million. So one side of the fence will say, well, that that seems fair. Maybe she should have got a little bit more. One side of the fence will look at that three point five million that she’s going to get and say that’s very fair. That’s that is that is very far out there.

Maybe she should be getting more. She’s been accustomed to a certain lifestyle if he’s worth over a hundred million. So he’s only one hundred and two hundred and eighty million from being a billionaire. So that’s very fair. Here’s what this has to do with your pricing. Listen, listen, listen. Thank you. Very sentimental. Yes, yes, yes. A hundred and twenty million reported by reported by Google. A hundred and twenty. Listen, this person spelled it all all the way out.

This person spelled it all the way out. This is what this has to do with your pricing. Money is relative. Ladies and gentlemen that are watching money is relative. One side of the fence, somebody is going to look at her getting three hundred thousand a month and just think that’s absorbing it. Another person will say, well, he’s worth a hundred and twenty and he ain’t even gonna miss it. So pricing and cost of things are relative to people’s perception, perceptions, their exposure and what the deductive reasoning that they use to look at things.

That is why you cannot I got eight minutes. That is why you cannot price your services. I want to deal with service providers right now because that’s my that’s my niche. That is why you cannot price your services based off of what you think people will pay, because two different people have two different different opinions about the amount of what something calls worth and all of that. So you cannot price your services based off of what you think people will pay.

Let’s take another example. So maybe Dr. J. Dr. Dre, in that three hundred thousand a month is a little you just can’t comprehend it. What? Let’s look at coffee. Are there any coffee drinkers? Go ahead and listen. I know Mary watches this. If there are any coffee drinkers, go ahead and just put coffee in the comments. There’s Walwa coffee. There’s coffee you can get from Walwa, but then there are Starbucks coffee. Still, coffee wildlife’s price is one thing.

Starbucks price is another thing. There’s one audience that is going to go to Walwa. They’re never going to pay Starbucks prices. They think it’s absorbing it. But yet Starbucks has a line every single morning because there’s another set of people who will pay for Starbucks coffee. Your pricing is not based off of what people will pay. So you might be saying Charvet. Well, what do I base my pricing off of? I’m so glad that you asked today.

I’m so glad that you ask. And oh, by the way, these are some of the types of conversations that we’re going to be having at my annual conference, the pop up conference for women entrepreneurs that is taking place in Richmond, Virginia. Lib-Lab in Richmond, Virginia, November 4th, 5th and 6th. You can screenshot this jump over to hey, girl, hey, that biz, that’s where you can register and grab your ticket. We have begun announcing amazing speakers what we’re going to be having these types of conversations.

So you might I got six minutes, not five minutes. All right. You might be saying, OK, Charvet, if I’m not basing my pricing off of what people will will pay because pricing is relative. Again, we looked at that. We’re looking at the Dr. Dre Award or the spousal award that she’s going to get one that is going to say that’s too much more. Sasko say that’s that’s very fair. And she might need to get a little bit more because it’s relative money is relative, pricing is relative.

So here’s what you price off of service based entrepreneurs you want to focus on. What is the value that you offer? What’s the value that you offer? That’s number one. If you’re taking notes, what is the value that you offer? No to what’s the result? What’s the result? What’s the result? Yes. Yes, I see you come in here. Yes. Thank you, Cheryl. She said, don’t miss this. Don’t miss this.

What is the result that you are able to get? And then the third thing, transformation. How will they be different? What will be different? So when we’re talking about service providers and what this Dr. Dre, whether you agree or disagree, this is not even about that. But what you probably have an opinion whether the three hundred thousand a month is too much or whether it is just right. You probably have an opinion there and your customers are the same way.

But what your job is, what my job is, is to articulate the value, articulate the results and articulate the transformation. Then you base your pricing off of that. All right. You base your pricing off of that. You base your pricing off of that. What’s the value? What’s the result and what’s the transformation? Thank you, Cheryl. Listen, she’s a leader in her own right, and she’s she so graciously being a scribe for us today.

Those are the things that you price off of. And then again, since prices, money pricing is all relative, our job as service providers, our job as leaders, our job as experts and consultants and real estate agents and therapists and financial advisors and all of that is to then be able to articulate the value, the results that we have in front of the right person, in front of the Starbucks person. If that’s what you’re going for versus Wal-Mart now, you might have you might have a marketing plan or business model that you want them.

You want the Walwa person. That’s fine. Whatever target audience you’re going after. And I got to wrap it up right now, whatever target audience you’re going after, you want to price off of your value, the results and the transformation. That is what this whole thing is all about. We’re talking about. Again, the Dr. Dre wrapping up right now, what what does this three hundred point three point six million, three point five million that his ex-wife will get every year from spousal support?

What does that have to do with your pricing? Money is relative. Pricing is relative based off of the person based off of their perception, their exposure and all of that. Some people going to say the three hundred thousand a month is perfectly fine. Some people are going to say that’s highway robbery. Your job when you’re pricing is not to be based off of what you think people will pay. You’re going to base it off of the value, the results that you articulate and the transformation.

Yes, that’s it. All right. I’m done. I’m done. I’m dead. I’m done. Thank you for all those that are that are checking this out. Yes, yes, yes. Thank you. Cheryl said whatever whatever Charvet offers you need to sign up for. All right. So this is a quick pop up, pop up screen here. And I want to invite you. We’re going to be having the same type of conversations, the same type of mindset, shifts and thoughts for you women entrepreneurs.

We want to see you in the place. Richmond, Virginia, my sixth annual pop up conference for women entrepreneurs are those that are striving to be and want to rub shoulders with women entrepreneurs. Be with us in Richmond, Virginia, four points by Sheraton, out by the airport, November 4th, 5th and 6th. November 4th is for our VIPs only, but November 5th and 6th is for the full conference. And we invite you and I have got to go right now because I have a session at 7:00 pm Eastern with my platform builder clients, and some of them might be here saying, wait a minute, aren’t we?

Aren’t we are we having this session? Yes. So I’m jumping off right now. Thank you so much for those that join. If you come back if you’re listening to this later on in the replay, just type hashtag replay. And I want to give you some love. And again, I’m sorry, Mitchell. Online Marketing Strategies, that works with female entrepreneurs and a few lucky men to enable them to build their online platforms and personal brands so that they generate more revenue and a focus on your marketing, your visibility and your branding.

I’ll see you all later on.[/fusion_text][/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]