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Facebook Etiquette

Three Tips For Facebook Etiquette


Per WikipediaEtiquette is a code of behavior that delineates expectations for social behavior according to contemporary conventional norms within a society, social class, or group. Ok so that may be a little wordy, but I think there are some “codes of behavior” that should be observed on Facebook. Here are MY 3 tips:

1) Don’t tag friends/people in posts, notes, videos, pictures, flyers & links in which it does not pertain to that person.

This is specifically critical if you don’t personally know or interact with the person. In essence, you are using their exposure for your benefit. You are also saying that this person endorses your post, event or blog or whatever.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is called advertising which you should pay for…

2) Be cautious about posting a link ( i.e. video link or link to your blog) on someone’s page and then requesting their feedback on the post. Most people think they are going to only receive  good comments. That is not guaranteed…

You open yourself up to getting negative feedback that you did not anticipate… In addition, this negative feedback may be posted in the open for all to see.

Facebook Etiquette Suggestion: Send an inbox request or email request if you would like someone to review your link, blog, book, video, etc. This will allow them to give you private comments and feedback.

3) Be cautious about asking people to promote your event, book, business, ministry etc., on their Facebook page AND you don’t offer anything in return. As a reminder, that is called advertising and you should pay the person or compensate them.

Facebook Etiquette Suggestion: Offer to promote something they are working on, offer to list them as a sponsor on your event program, website or as a patron.

This makes for a win win situation!

SharvetteMitchell (1)


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