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If you are a speaker, your website really works on your behalf to help you get additional speaking engagements. When there are conference hosts, seminar hosts and convention hosts that are looking for speakers, guess what? They may end up on your website. So make sure you have a page specifically about your speaking, go ahead and share 3-5 signature talks, things that you are comfortable with and that you talk about all the time. You can also make a note that you are open to creating something special for that particular conference or event.

It would be great if you had video footage of you actually speaking or professional pictures of you speaking. That’s an extra added benefit to the conference host. A lot of them are looking for pictures & video and they would probably request that for their promotions. The last thing you wanna think about on your speaker page is providing a way for people to book you.

Go ahead and rock the stage!

I help female entrepreneurs who struggle with attracting attention and exposure for their brand and want to build their online platform. In working with me, my clients generate revenue and increase brand awareness. If you are ready to build your online platform, we should set up a web design consultation or meet and greet call!

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