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Client Testimonial – Valarie Harris Coaching & Consulting | Platform Builder Program

Video script: Hello, everyone. My name is Valerie Harris, and I am an author, speaker, certified life purpose and discovery coach and leadership consultant. But today I’m here to talk about for the last year, I’m so proud to say that I’ve been working with Sharvette Mitchell in the Platform Builder Program. And guys, I want to tell you, this has been an excellent program and experience for me. And she does an excellent job in everything she does with helping her clients to gain the confidence to move to the next level in their business.

And in this program, I’ve also learned the importance of branding, and that was really difficult for me because I’m a very colorful person. I love a lot of colors, but I was able to hone in on the main colors that I would use across the platforms that I would be using in social media. And also the graphics, the type of graphics. I learned more about graphics and choosing the ones that would best serve me. And that photo shoot that we did along with the platform buildings, that was just phenomenal.

It was so enlightened. I felt the elegance and the personalization of my brand as a business owner. Just doing that photo shoot, presenting myself in a positive way to those that I serve. The Platform Builders Program has really caused me to look at things so much differently, especially when you’re talking about branding and podcasting and leveraging so that you can fine tune the strategies that you use with your clients. And the content used throughout the program really produced a lot of growth in the area of helping me to leverage with email marketing, my media presence, social media graphics, working in front of an audience and just course creation.

And just being able to collaborate with other women in a wonderful way. Because I was able to collaborate with other women to collaborate and do a book called Pearls that came out earlier this year. And so that was a very great experience, and it helped me to learn the importance of knowing who my audience is and know how to best serve them. And my goodness, the icing on the cake was the retreat that we went to in Florida this year. It was awesome.

Awesome just to experience a group of women on the same page collaborating. Don’t tell me that women can work together and get things done, because we were able to collaborate together to refresh our minds, to get rest, to renew and to rejuvenate while still using our creativity and new ideas in order to serve our clients in the best possible way. So I highly recommend that if you need help in any areas of your life as a business owner, Shavette Mitchell is the one you need to see to go and talk with her about the Platform Builder Program. If you need further directions so that you can serve your clients in a mighty, mighty way. This program has made a difference in my life.

It has made a difference in my business, and it has been a phenomenal experience. Sharvette, I want to say to you, you rock, girl. And I want to thank you for using your expertise to help me in my business endeavors to do a better job in serving those that will come to me so that I can help them to go to the next level in their business and their adventures. So I just want to tell you thank you, thank you, thank you so much for all that you do for those that you’re.

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2 Responses
  1. Shanice Campos

    Hearing this testimonial was so inspiring and speaks to your natural ability to both educate and collaborate. I absolutely love seeing women come together and share tips and tricks of the business for the betterment of our brands and businesses. Too often things are seen as a competition, but this experience of proof of the magic that can be made when we put our brains together. We all come from such different walks of life and there is so much to be learned and shared through the process of building a community of like-minded women. Well done ladies!

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