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Do people really want to hear me SPEAK?

I often talk about using SPEAKING as a visibility strategy for your business in particular if you provide services and professional expertise. That can include speaking at in-person or online conferences or events, hosting your own in-person events and online seminars, or simply doing live streaming, YouTube videos, or Reels. They all count as SPEAKING! This gets you in front of new and different potential customers. SPEAKING is a part of my Platform Builder framework. We dedicate modules and coaching time to this topic!

Someone asked me, “Do people really want to hear me SPEAK?” That may be a question you have in your head also. I jumped on Facebook Live and answered this. Watch the above video OR keep reading!

Let’s talk about why you may think or feel this, the limiting beliefs around this, and who you need to become to lean into SPEAKING!

You may feel or think this way if you feel unprepared, unorganized, unpolished, and all over the place. You may be self-conscious about your looks or how you sound and that keeps you from speaking more.

But let me deal with some limiting beliefs that may be creeping up.

Some of you are saying…

“I don’t have anything to say.”

I challenge this limiting belief: Look at your expertise and other clients you have helped. I also want you to think of the potential customer who is 10 to 15 steps behind you. They are looking at you and wishing they could be where you are. You have much to say to THAT audience. Perhaps you just need support in how to frame up your speech or signature talks. This is something we do in The Platform Builder® Program.

“I don’t know how to speak.”

I challenge this limiting belief: I bet you have spoken in a job setting, for civic organizations, or at church. Your skills are transferable. In addition, something like Reels or live streaming is a very informal speaking opportunity and much more conversational.

“There are no speaking opportunities.”

I challenge this limiting belief: There are speaking opportunities all around you. You need to pursue them OR create them. With little effort, you can host your own webinar with a free ZOOM account. Speaking opportunities can be big or small…

So who do you need to become to step in and lean into using SPEAKING as a visibility strategy for your business?

1) The Chief Marketer for your business

No one is coming to push and promote your business. It lands on you! You have to step out in front of your brand. Even if you have social media managers and assistants that support you, you still lead the charge and the strategy!

2) Unbothered with yourself

There is a word going around social media that is “unbothered”. In essence, this means that you are not worrying about anyone else’s actions or being bothered by others’ opinions. I am just going to say it like this… You need to get over yourself and stop worrying about your own opinion! Put the focus on your audience and potential customers.

3) Embrace your greatness

Some of you are very modest when it comes to promoting your business. You have transformational services and really make an impact in people’s lives. You have credentials and accolades to prove you know your stuff. Step into and embrace your greatness. This will fuel you for your SPEAKING opportunities.


If you are a high achieving woman entrepreneur who is ready to ditch being invisible and unpolished but finally ready to shine a spotlight on your expertise and services, apply for The Platform Builder® Program at

The Platform Builder® is my signature 12 month group coaching program built for female entrepreneurs & leaders who are ready to position their expertise & services with a polished visual brand, increase visibility with speaking opportunities, build authority with a published book and convert more customers with content marketing.

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1 Response
  1. Kathleen Wallace

    Wow! Thanks for the encouragement. I really am a good writer and always do blog posts. I am an extroverted introvert and tend to hide behind a computer screen and blog/Facebook post. After reading this post, I think I will try my hand at a Facebook live video and if that goes well, maybe start a YouTube channel. God bless and have a great day 🙂

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