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Use “Call To Actions” or CTAs to get your audience to take ACTION!

Get Your Audience to take ACTION with “Call To Actions- CTAs”

Believe it or not, I don’t watch a ton of TV but I do love a good movie or binge-worthy series on Netflix, Amazon Prime, or Hulu. My favorite kind of movie is an ACTION movie!

In business, we want our audience to take ACTION to engage with our brand and buy our products and services. Guess what? We need to tell them and guide them on what to do. This is commonly referred to as a Call To Action or CTA.

This week in my Facebook Group – #CoachingWithVette, we talked about various types of CTAs. The highlights are below! I also jumped on Facebook Live to discuss them – CLICK HERE to watch the video.

Five Call To Actions ( for Social Media & Email Marketing):

1) Increase engagement: Ask the audience to share their thoughts or opinions. Example: “Vote for your favorite: A or B?”

2) Use social proof:  Ask the audience to join others who have purchased your product or service. Example: “We are looking for our 75th customer, will that be you?”

3) Create urgency:  Use the fear of missing out (FOMO): Example: “Sale ends in 3 hours – shop now!”

4) Obtain leads: Invite the audience to a personal conversation. Example: “Do you have any questions? Send us an inbox or DM!”

5) Leverage social influence: Your audience has its own audience that could turn into your customers. Example: “Share this post with your friends OR Tag a friend in the comments.”

Let me know which CTAs you use OR if you have a good ACTION movie recommendation!!

I help female entrepreneurs who struggle with attracting attention and exposure for their brand and want to build their online platform. In working with me, my clients generate revenue and increase brand awareness. If you are ready to build your online platform, we should set up a meet and greet call!

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