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2807 N. Parham Road Suite 200-20 Richmond, VA 23294

Here are five reasons why every entrepreneur should become an author or co-author:

Few things demonstrate your expertise on a subject like a book does. That’s why so many coaches, speakers, marketers, and others choose to publish books. Here are five reasons why every entrepreneur should become an author or co-author:

1)To establish and/or build upon your credibility.

By writing a book, entrepreneurs can build their personal brand, establish their expertise, and build trust with potential clients, and do so more effectively than they can with social media alone. (

 2) Everyone has a story, and someone is waiting to hear the story.

The question is, will you tell the story? This is one of the reasons why I think it’s so important for every business person to become an author. (

 3) It gives you a low priced physical product to sell!

A book is a great way to build awareness of your brand and guide interested parties to an actual product(s). In this way, it acts as a (very lengthy) business card; ideally, the book that you write will be somewhat related to your business, which means that many of the people who go searching for it will already be your target customer! (

4) Your book can give you content for content marketing.

Having written or co-written you’re book, you’ll have a lot of material from which to choose as the basis for your blog posts, social media posts, articles, etc. (

5) Your book puts you in Amazon!

Amazon is the No. 1 search engine when looking for products and services, with 44 percent of searches for products and services starting there. ( – Check out my Amazon Author Page – click here!

There you have it. Quite honestly, more can be added to this list but I will stop here!

I invite you to order a copy of my newest book collaboration, POUR – The Secret Effects of Giving and Serving in Business and Leadership. Go to

Oh, and I jumped on LIVE STREAM to showcase the Co-Authors in POUR! Watch the videos on Facebook – CLICK HERE or my YouTube channel – CLICK HERE.

Model- Carmen Jimenez-Pride – Photography by Kimmie James

I help female entrepreneurs who struggle with attracting attention and exposure for their brand and want to build their online platform. In working with me, my clients generate revenue and increase brand awareness. If you are ready to build your online platform, we should set up a web design consultation or meet and greet call!

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