info@mitchell-productions.comPhone: (804) 806-4407 ext 101
2807 N. Parham Road Suite 200-20 Richmond, VA 23294

As an entrepreneur, one of the ways to get in front of new and different audiences to market your business is with speaking engagements and speaking opportunities. There is just one problem…some people have a fear of speaking! Here are tips to help business owners get over the fear of SPEAKING.

1.Prepare and  Practice: The best way to get over the fear of speaking is to practice! Get comfortable talking in front of small groups, such as friends or family members.

2. Face the Fear: Recognize fear when it arises and try to understand why it’s there. Once you understand why you’re feeling fearful, it will be easier to confront and move past it.

3. Use Positive Self-Talk: Don’t let negative thoughts keep you stuck in fear. Focus on your strengths and practice positive self-talk to build your confidence.

4. Breathe: Take a few deep breaths before your presentation to relax your body and mind.

5. Visualize Success: Visualize yourself giving a successful presentation to help you stay calm, focused, and motivated.

6. Take It One Step at a Time: Start small, and gradually increase the size of the audience and the length of your presentations to gradually build up confidence and reduce fear.

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